Making jQuery source code readable

How do I make the jQuery source code readable?

I would like to modify the code for this slide-show plug-in…

JQuery Cycle Plugin

…but the code is all lumped together into one unreadable heap.



That’s the minified version of the code, which you can easily tell by the .min in the filename.
For example: jquery.min.js

If you want the uncompressed code, download it from their website.

It’s not a good idea though to manually edit the source code of such libraries. There are almost always more appropriate ways to achieve your needs instead.

The source code is on GitHub.

I was looking for something like this…



Yeah, Online javascript beautifier is an excellent service (the best I’ve seen)!

For reference, here are two more:
Format Javascript
Javascript Format and Colour

That one does seem to have several additional features beyond just formatting the supplied code. Now you’ve got me thinking about possibly adding some of those types of thing into my formatter script (mine does colour code the output which that one doesn’t so I guess to some extent they complement one another).