Making php result horizontal

I hope I explain this right.

Right now I have data being pulled via php but it is going vertical. Like the link below.

I would like to pull them horizontal like the link below.

Is there any tutorial that can walk me through how to do that?

Looks like a <div> that is floated left, when it can not put any more items on a row it starts a new row.

As mentioned above the easiest option is to float the parent element of each block to the left and apply a suitable width, height (in ems) and margins. You will need a height because the floats will snag if they are not all the same height.

Or if you don’t want to (or can’t) set a height then you could use display:inline-block as shown in this old example.

I tried doing what was suggested but it is still going vertical

Heres the css I used.

.thumb {
	display: inline-block;
margin: 3px;
padding: 5px;

.even {}

#bx {

and the php looks like this

<div id="bx" class="<?php echo $tr_class;?>">
    <div class="thumb"><a href="product.php?Item=<?php echo $eid; ?>"><img src="../UImages/<?php echo $imagename; ?>" width="220" height="120" alt="Thumb"></a></div>
        <a href="product.php?Item=<?php echo $eid; ?>"> <b><?php echo $name; ?></b></a><br />

Those items are all stuck within a div set to width 220px. (Ah, the joy of grids. :nono: )

<div class="menu grid_4 alpha">

.container_16 .grid_4 {
  width: 220px;

You could change that container to read

<div class="products [COLOR="#FF0000"]grid_16[/COLOR] alpha">

You’ve also got this in between each image box, which also all need to be removed:

<div style="clear:both;">&nbsp;</div>

I think you misread the question. I am trying to make the first 4 (that are vertical) and make them look like the bottom rows (that are horizontal.)

Here is all of the php if it would help

$Page = @$_GET['Page'];
	if ($Page &lt; 1)
	$Page = 1;	

$LimitAmt = $Amt + 1;
$Limit = "LIMIT $LimitAmt";
$NextPage = $Page + 1;
$PrevPage = $Page - 1;

	if ($Page &gt; 1)
	$Start = ($Page-1) * $Amt;
	$Limit = "LIMIT $Start,$LimitAmt";
$SQLCat = "";
	if (strlen($Cat) &gt; 1)
	$SQLCat = "AND (`Category` LIKE '$Cat;%' OR `Category` LIKE '%;$Cat' OR `Category` LIKE '$Cat')";	

$SQL_GetEquipment = "SELECT * FROM `new_equip` WHERE `Condition`='Used' $SQLCat $Limit";
$R_GetEquipment = mysql_query($SQL_GetEquipment, $Link);

	if (mysql_num_rows($R_GetEquipment) &lt; $LimitAmt)
	$NextPage = -1;

$i = 0;

$rowclass = 0;

	//while ($i &lt; $num)
	while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($R_GetEquipment))
		if ($i == $Amt)
$rowclass = 1 - $rowclass;
	if ($rowclass &gt;= 1){
	$tr_class = "even";
	} else {
		if ($rowclass &lt;=0) {
		$tr_class = "odd";	

//assigns variables to the mysql columns for easier retrieve
//straight forward, if you wanted to make the "name" a link
//somewhere else in the document, you could just type something
//like i show below

/*$eid = mysql_result($result,$i,"id");
$name = mysql_result($result,$i,"name");
$model = mysql_result($result,$i,"model");
$manu = mysql_result($result,$i,"manu");
$desc = mysql_result($result,$i,"desc");
$imagename = mysql_result($result,$i,"image");*/

$eid = $row['id'];
$name = $row['name'];
$model = $row['model'];
$manu = $row['manu'];
$desc = $row['desc'];
$imagename = $row['image'];

	if (!file_exists("../UImages/" . $imagename) || strlen($imagename) &lt; 5)
	$imagename = "NoImage.jpg";
	&lt;div id="bx"&gt;

    &lt;div class="thumb"&gt;&lt;a href="product.php?Item=&lt;?php echo $eid; ?&gt;"&gt;&lt;img src="../UImages/&lt;?php echo $imagename; ?&gt;" width="220" height="120" alt="Thumb"&gt;&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/div&gt;

        &lt;a href="product.php?Item=&lt;?php echo $eid; ?&gt;"&gt; &lt;b&gt;&lt;?php echo $name; ?&gt;&lt;/b&gt;&lt;/a&gt;

    &lt;div style="clear:both;"&gt;&nbsp;&lt;/div&gt;
$i++; // This means that i is 'i = i + 1.  Will repeat this loop until it hits the value $num'  We will need to modify this a little for you

No, I think you misread the answer. :stuck_out_tongue: (Although it may not have helped, anyhow.) One of the problems (though not the only problem, is this line in your code:

<div style="clear:both;">&nbsp;</div>

which forces each thumbnail to sit on a new line. But that’s not the only issue.

Your code structures at the top of the page are different from the bottom. You could try modifying this

<div id="bx">
    <div class="thumb"><a href="product.php?Item=<?php echo $eid; ?>"><img src="../UImages/<?php echo $imagename; ?>" width="220" height="120" alt="Thumb"></a></div>
        <a href="product.php?Item=<?php echo $eid; ?>"> <b><?php echo $name; ?></b></a>

<div style="clear:both;">&nbsp;</div>

to something like this:

  <a class="grid_4 alpha" href="product.php?Item=<?php echo $eid; ?>">
    <img width="220" height="120" alt="Thumb" src="../UImages/<?php echo $imagename; ?>">
  <a href="product.php?Item=<?php echo $eid; ?>"> <b><?php echo $name; ?></b></a>

That way, the code at the top would use the same code as the layout at the bottom.

Still vertical.

What about this then:

[COLOR="#FF0000"]<div class="menu grid_4 alpha">[/COLOR]
    <a class="grid_4 alpha" title="Matrix VFFS Bagger" href="product.php?Item=<?php echo $eid; ?>">
      <img width="220" height="120" alt="Thumb" src="../UImages/<?php echo $imagename; ?>">
    <a href="product.php?Item=<?php echo $eid; ?>"> <b><?php echo $name; ?></b></a>

Nope, still vertical…lol

Heres what I got now.

$Page = @$_GET['Page'];
	if ($Page &lt; 1)
	$Page = 1;	

$LimitAmt = $Amt + 1;
$Limit = "LIMIT $LimitAmt";
$NextPage = $Page + 1;
$PrevPage = $Page - 1;

	if ($Page &gt; 1)
	$Start = ($Page-1) * $Amt;
	$Limit = "LIMIT $Start,$LimitAmt";
$SQLCat = "";
	if (strlen($Cat) &gt; 1)
	$SQLCat = "AND (`Category` LIKE '$Cat;%' OR `Category` LIKE '%;$Cat' OR `Category` LIKE '$Cat')";	

$SQL_GetEquipment = "SELECT * FROM `new_equip` WHERE `Condition`='Used' $SQLCat $Limit";
$R_GetEquipment = mysql_query($SQL_GetEquipment, $Link);

	if (mysql_num_rows($R_GetEquipment) &lt; $LimitAmt)
	$NextPage = -1;

$i = 0;

$rowclass = 0;

	//while ($i &lt; $num) 
	while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($R_GetEquipment))
		if ($i == $Amt)
$rowclass = 1 - $rowclass;
	if ($rowclass &gt;= 1){
	$tr_class = "even";
	} else {
		if ($rowclass &lt;=0) {
		$tr_class = "odd";	

//assigns variables to the mysql columns for easier retrieve
//straight forward, if you wanted to make the "name" a link
//somewhere else in the document, you could just type something
//like i show below

/*$eid = mysql_result($result,$i,"id");
$name = mysql_result($result,$i,"name");
$model = mysql_result($result,$i,"model");
$manu = mysql_result($result,$i,"manu");
$desc = mysql_result($result,$i,"desc");
$imagename = mysql_result($result,$i,"image");*/

$eid = $row['id'];
$name = $row['name'];
$model = $row['model'];
$manu = $row['manu'];
$desc = $row['desc'];
$imagename = $row['image'];

	if (!file_exists("../UImages/" . $imagename) || strlen($imagename) &lt; 5)
	$imagename = "NoImage.jpg";
	&lt;div class="menu grid_4"&gt;
    &lt;a class="grid_4 alpha" title="Matrix VFFS Bagger" href="product.php?Item=&lt;?php echo $eid; ?&gt;"&gt;
      &lt;img width="220" height="120" alt="Thumb" src="../UImages/&lt;?php echo $imagename; ?&gt;"&gt;
    &lt;a href="product.php?Item=&lt;?php echo $eid; ?&gt;"&gt; &lt;b&gt;&lt;?php echo $name; ?&gt;&lt;/b&gt;&lt;/a&gt;
$i++; // This means that i is 'i = i + 1.  Will repeat this loop until it hits the value $num'  We will need to modify this a little for you

Hi, you need to float #bx :). Basically you floated the child of #bx, which doesn’t quite work because the parent is still a normal block taking up the full width. You also need to remove the width set on it, because right now it’s taking up the full width of the column :). Or you can set a fixed width (that is less than 650, but allows items to be horizontal) on it.

You also need to remove every single [LEFT]<div style=“clear:both;”> </div> you have on that section. It will never let the floating work :). How many do you want horizontally aligned? Looks like the page can only comfortably fit 2 in a row, MAYBE 3 if you squish it.[/LEFT]


I do have the #bx floating left

.thumb {
float: left;
overflow: auto;

.even {}

#bx {
float: left;

It worked for me in testing with Firebug by editing the HTML (although the CSS is not perfect), but the system is somehow adding in an extra

<div class="menu grid_4">

which is messing things up. I don’t understand the PHP well enough to understand why that’s being inserted. Looks like it’s coming from above that PHP block you posted.

Are you sure? I went to your stylesheet, found the #bx, and this is all that’s applied

#bx {
width:650px;	}

This is the code in the section. I took a bit from above it and below it. This is what’s showing

.thumb {

	float:left;display:inline;clear:none;}.ProductWrap {	float:left;	vertical-align:top;margin-left:5px;display:inline;}.even {}.odd{}#bx {width:650px;	}#AdminMsg {	margin-top:25px;	text-align:center;	background-color:#FFCC00;	}	#product{width:600px;margin-right: auto ;}

Are you looking at this page?

That link is showing hte products going horizontal. I’m very confused now. I thought your objective was to get the other link displaying horizontally? :). Sorry for being dense.

To make it easy… I want

to look like

So basically you want that stuff to be horizontal. Gotcha.

Well it looks like on this element below, you have a width of 220px set. Which makes it impossible for anthing to be on teh same line because there just isn’t enough width.

.container_16 .grid_4
/*remove the width:220px;*/

I changed those two things and it worked. It’s now displaying horizontally. You’ll have to tinker with some widths to get 4 displaying on a row (currently 3) but that’s simple. If you need help with it though, feel free to shout :).

Edit-Just so you know, that suggestion will make EVERYTHING horizontal. I can offer code if you want to select a specific section in that page, but for now, that code will select all the products (basically everything with a .grid_4 class :))


It seems you have made the items go horizontal now but because you used floats and the elements are different heights they are snagging when they wrap exactly as I mentioned in my first post :).

You need to use inline-block so add this code without alteration after all your existing code:

.menu {
*display:inline;/* ie6/7 inline-block hack - do not change order or remove anything */
	zoom:1.0;/* ie6/7 inline-block hack*/