Margin problem

I cannot understand why between @600px and @550 px, margin-right does not obey what I introduced in the head. The styles in the html will be transferred to the css, but i was hoping that this stylesheet would be useful for a series of pages and I am already having problems with the first!

Th page with margin problem is

It is using the stylesheet of


If you are talking about the 20px margin-right on the table then that is working but because the table cannot get any smaller the margin-right just makes the parent container larger.

Table can only collapse so far and once they reach their limit they stop collapsing smaller.

Hi Paul

As I narrow the screen all’s well up to 600px; then, and until 550px, when the #left disappears, the extreme right of the table gets cut.

how can I solve that?


Hi Paul

I managed to sort out the problems between @600 and @550 but now my big problem is below @400. i would like it work down to@320.

You say there tables have a limit. What is it and how can I alter that limit? Removing, say, the 4th column?

The limit is dynamic and just depends on the content in the tables / how many columns. Less content = lower limit.

Hu Ryan

Well I solved it, partly!

I deleted the fourth column, but would rather keep it if there is a way. I tried giving a different narrower width to column 4 but it did not work

My current page is at

but if you could find some magic to alow me to keep the last column…

It’s easier to see the probelm in the earlier test page


Perhaps you can make your table more responsive.

Which one do you recommend? I though that what I have now is responsive… up to 400px, anyway!

Really it comes down to how you want to display your table.

Well, I guess I want to display it as it is now. What do you think is wrong with it, other than I am having problems past @400px?

The only problem is the amount of columns/content, as described earlier.
You can wrap the table in a div, set that div to width:100%;overflow-x:auto;, and the table should scroll within it. But that’s sorta the cheap / ugly way to make it “responsive”.

Well, that’s me!

Thanks. I’ll try that.

hi Ryan

I tried that in

This time I transferred the css to the stylesheet.

i must have done something wrong because the cheap and ugly way does not work!

It’s not all my codes fault. Look here

@media screen and (max-width: 800px) {
#content, #content #box1, #content #box4 {
  clear: both;
  width: auto;
  max-width: 600px;

It’s really trying to get a scrollbar working but when you’re at under800px screen width (e.g. 320px :wink: ) The table will be allowed to expand up to 600px. That’s scrollbars that isn’t directly the fault of the table.

I never said that… your code is usually magical!

Now the problem is that I read your post 3 times and cannot understand it…I got rid of the max-width:600px; if that’s the culprit but nothing changed…

You need to set a max-width (probably a new media query) which targets smaller screens and sets a smaller max width.

To be honest it’s REALLY hard ot see what’s all going on in that page (well, more so what a good solution is) because there are so many moving parts. Some parent elements have a flat out max-width:600px which makes it hard to say whether that’ll need to be changed until you get a proper media query in place.


I now added this but still the same

 @media screen and (max-width:400px) {

#content, #content #box1, #content #box4{


I now added this but still the same

 @media screen and (max-width:400px) {

#content, #content #box1, #content #box4{

is it possible to zoom in the table to say 80%?

On that media query, add in padding-right:0; Also remove that 15px left margin from table{}. You also should change that max-width to be 320px;.

OK, done as insttructed but note that margin-left is needed at full page,

Nope! Still no good in small screen