Marquee Help

Ok I have this JS Marquee I am using on my forum. However there is two things I need to do and although this may be simple to most, I don’t have a clue when it comes to this coding…

The two things I would like to achieve:

  • Slow the marque down
  • stop the marque on rollover

Marque Coding:

* author Remy Sharp
* url

(function ($) {
    $.fn.marquee = function (klass) {
        var newMarquee = [],
            last = this.length;

        // works out the left or right hand reset position, based on scroll
        // behavior, current direction and new direction
        function getReset(newDir, marqueeRedux, marqueeState) {
            var behavior = marqueeState.behavior, width = marqueeState.width, dir = marqueeState.dir;
            var r = 0;
            if (behavior == 'alternate') {
                r = newDir == 1 ? marqueeRedux[marqueeState.widthAxis] - (width*2) : width;
            } else if (behavior == 'slide') {
                if (newDir == -1) {
                    r = dir == -1 ? marqueeRedux[marqueeState.widthAxis] : width;
                } else {
                    r = dir == -1 ? marqueeRedux[marqueeState.widthAxis] - (width*2) : 0;
            } else {
                r = newDir == -1 ? marqueeRedux[marqueeState.widthAxis] : 0;
            return r;

        // single "thread" animation
        function animateMarquee() {
            var i = newMarquee.length,
                marqueeRedux = null,
                $marqueeRedux = null,
                marqueeState = {},
                newMarqueeList = [],
                hitedge = false;
            while (i--) {
                marqueeRedux = newMarquee[i];
                $marqueeRedux = $(marqueeRedux);
                marqueeState = $'marqueeState');
                if ($'paused') !== true) {
                    // TODO read scrollamount, dir, behavior, loops and last from data
                    marqueeRedux[marqueeState.axis] += (marqueeState.scrollamount * marqueeState.dir);

                    // only true if it's hit the end
                    hitedge = marqueeState.dir == -1 ? marqueeRedux[marqueeState.axis] <= getReset(marqueeState.dir * -1, marqueeRedux, marqueeState) : marqueeRedux[marqueeState.axis] >= getReset(marqueeState.dir * -1, marqueeRedux, marqueeState);
                    if ((marqueeState.behavior == 'scroll' && marqueeState.last == marqueeRedux[marqueeState.axis]) || (marqueeState.behavior == 'alternate' && hitedge && marqueeState.last != -1) || (marqueeState.behavior == 'slide' && hitedge && marqueeState.last != -1)) {                        
                        if (marqueeState.behavior == 'alternate') {
                            marqueeState.dir *= -1; // flip
                        marqueeState.last = -1;


                        if (marqueeState.loops === 0) {
                            if (marqueeState.behavior != 'slide') {
                                marqueeRedux[marqueeState.axis] = getReset(marqueeState.dir, marqueeRedux, marqueeState);
                            } else {
                                // corrects the position
                                marqueeRedux[marqueeState.axis] = getReset(marqueeState.dir * -1, marqueeRedux, marqueeState);

                        } else {
                            // keep this marquee going
                            marqueeRedux[marqueeState.axis] = getReset(marqueeState.dir, marqueeRedux, marqueeState);
                    } else {
                    marqueeState.last = marqueeRedux[marqueeState.axis];

                    // store updated state only if we ran an animation
                    $'marqueeState', marqueeState);
                } else {
                    // even though it's paused, keep it in the list

            newMarquee = newMarqueeList;
            if (newMarquee.length) {
                setTimeout(animateMarquee, 25);
        // TODO consider whether using .html() in the wrapping process could lead to loosing predefined events...
        this.each(function (i) {
            var $marquee = $(this),
                width = $marquee.attr('width') || $marquee.width(),
                height = $marquee.attr('height') || $marquee.height(),
                $marqueeRedux = $marquee.after('<div ' + (klass ? 'class="' + klass + '" ' : '') + 'style="display: block-inline; width: ' + width + 'px; height: ' + height + 'px; overflow: hidden;"><div style="float: left; white-space: nowrap;">' + $marquee.html() + '</div></div>').next(),
                marqueeRedux = $marqueeRedux.get(0),
                hitedge = 0,
                direction = ($marquee.attr('direction') || 'left').toLowerCase(),
                marqueeState = {
                    dir : /down|right/.test(direction) ? -1 : 1,
                    axis : /left|right/.test(direction) ? 'scrollLeft' : 'scrollTop',
                    widthAxis : /left|right/.test(direction) ? 'scrollWidth' : 'scrollHeight',
                    last : -1,
                    loops : $marquee.attr('loop') || -1,
                    scrollamount : $marquee.attr('scrollamount') || this.scrollAmount || 2,
                    behavior : ($marquee.attr('behavior') || 'scroll').toLowerCase(),
                    width : /left|right/.test(direction) ? width : height
            // corrects a bug in Firefox - the default loops for slide is -1
            if ($marquee.attr('loop') == -1 && marqueeState.behavior == 'slide') {
                marqueeState.loops = 1;

            // add padding
            if (/left|right/.test(direction)) {
                $marqueeRedux.find('> div').css('padding', '0 ' + width + 'px');
            } else {
                $marqueeRedux.find('> div').css('padding', height + 'px 0');
            // events
            $marqueeRedux.bind('stop', function () {
                $'paused', true);
            }).bind('pause', function () {
                $'paused', true);
            }).bind('start', function () {
                $'paused', false);
            }).bind('unpause', function () {
                $'paused', false);
            }).data('marqueeState', marqueeState); // finally: store the state
            // todo - rerender event allowing us to do an ajax hit and redraw the marquee


            marqueeRedux[marqueeState.axis] = getReset(marqueeState.dir, marqueeRedux, marqueeState);
            // on the very last marquee, trigger the animation
            if (i+1 == last) {

        return $(newMarquee);

Currently the animation occurs every 25 milliseconds.

setTimeout(animateMarquee, 25);

There is an attribute you can set on the marquee called scrollamount where you can set the scroll speed to less than one pixel.

According to the demo page, rollover already stops the marquee.

It did, but the other part of it kept causing errors on my site so i took it out!