Marquee tags ... want to control my text on mouseover


I m using below tags in my website for Latest News section for that I am using Marquee Tags below, but the content is scrolling up on mouseover it should stop there n there and should start when on mouseout, please have a look and let me know where i am going wrong…

                       <div id="scroller">
                        	<marquee class="textscroller" direction="up" scrollamount="2" onMouseOver="stop" onMouseOut="start" loop="8">
                           		<a href="#"> ththt thtt tht tht tht tht tht sgh gdg sddkks sjffjf k  </a>
                        </div>   <!-- end scroller -->

other way:

                      <div id="scroller">
                        	<marquee class="textscroller" direction="up" scrollamount="2" onMouseOver="this.scrollamount='0'" onMouseOut="this.scrollamount'2'">
                           		<a href="#"> ththt thtt tht tht tht tht tht sgh gdg sddkks sjffjf k  </a>
                        </div>   <!-- end scroller -->

please revert at the earliest…

Warm Regards,

There is no such thing as a marquee tag in HTML - that is a proprietary tag that only some browsers have implemented and they don’t all implement it the same way.

To get a marquee that works properly across all browsers you should use JavaScript to generate it - see for an example.