Melting/sliding table bug

I have a weird bug on this page that is difficult to describe, so I’ll give a few screenshots. When you grab the left or right edge of the window and move it back and forth a bit, an inner table begins melting/sliding down. I’m sure it has something to do with a JS snippet I’m using, but I don’t know how to fix it. Please assist. Thank you!

Yeah it’s your Javascript. Not 100% sure but I think it’s this code. Basically everytime the window is resized, another 85px sticky-wrapper is being made nesting and just pushing down the content that you are seeing “melting”

	if ($(window).width() >= 530) {
		$(".sticky").sticky({topSpacing:40, getWidthFrom: "#comparison", responsiveWidth: true, className: "stuck-wrapper", wrapperClassName: "sticky-wrapper"});
	var eventFired = 0;
	$(window).on('resize', function() {
		if (!eventFired) {
			if ($(window).width() >= 530) {
				$(".sticky").sticky({topSpacing:40, getWidthFrom: "#comparison", responsiveWidth: true, className: "stuck-wrapper", wrapperClassName: "sticky-wrapper"});
			if ($(window).width() < 530) {

Ah, yes. That makes sense. I have two JS snippets. The first makes the big table#comparison scroll left-right when there isn’t enough horizontal room. The other (which you quoted) allows a subtable to stick at the top of the screen as the user scrolls downward. I didn’t want both happening at the same time, so I picked 530px as the cutoff for the latter. Apparently I did a bad job. Let me see if I can combine them better…



<script> // FOR TABLE SCROLL $(window).on('load', function() { // Check these $('table#comparison').each(function() { var element = $(this); // Create wrapper var scrollWrapper = $('<div />', { 'class': 'scrollable', 'html': '<div />' // Inner div needed for styling }).insertBefore(element); // Store reference to wrapper'scrollWrapper', scrollWrapper); // Move scrollable element inside wrapper element.appendTo(scrollWrapper.find('div')); // Check if element is wider than parent if (element.outerWidth() > element.parent().outerWidth()) {'scrollWrapper').addClass('has-scroll'); } // When viewport size is changed, check again if element needs to be scrollable $(window).on('resize orientationchange', function() { if (element.outerWidth() > element.parent().outerWidth()) {'scrollWrapper').addClass('has-scroll'); } else {'scrollWrapper').removeClass('has-scroll'); } }); }); }); </script>

After. My attempt to combine these:

<script type="text/javascript" src="../jquery.sticky.js"></script>
$(window).on('load', function() {
    // Check these
    $('table#comparison').each(function() {
        var element = $(this);
        // Create wrapper
        var scrollWrapper = $('<div />', {
            'class': 'scrollable',
            'html': '<div />' // Inner div needed for styling
        // Store reference to wrapper'scrollWrapper', scrollWrapper);
        // Move scrollable element inside wrapper
        // Check if element is wider than parent
        if (element.outerWidth() > element.parent().outerWidth()) {
        } else {
        	$(".sticky").sticky({topSpacing:40, getWidthFrom: "#comparison", responsiveWidth: true, className: "stuck-wrapper", wrapperClassName: "sticky-wrapper"});
        // When viewport size is changed, check again if element needs to be scrollable
        $(window).on('resize orientationchange', function() {
            if (element.outerWidth() > element.parent().outerWidth()) {
            } else {
                $(".sticky").sticky({topSpacing:40, getWidthFrom: "#comparison", responsiveWidth: true, className: "stuck-wrapper", wrapperClassName: "sticky-wrapper"});

Oops, not fixed.

The second version is an improvement in that there is no longer an arbitrary 530px cutoff, but the cause you described is still there. Can anyone help fix that? Thanks!

Oh—here is the sticky plugin:

Almost fixed! I improved it to this point, but there is still a small bug where sometimes I can get both the scroll and the sticky.



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