Menu Transparency Problem

On my site , when you hover over the menu the dropdown menu portion is transparent and seethrough and I’ve tried everything I could to make it non-seethrough please help me.

is where you can see it , (hover over the “products & services” to see what I’m talking about)

thank you!:sick:

Well, I’m not sure why setting the background-color property to #FFFFFF isn’t stopping the transparency (I’m assuming when you tried everything, this is what you did).

Looking at your source code, this appears to be a pretty standard nested list structure with CSS flyouts. I notice you’re using the PixioPoint Multi-level navigation plugin. I don’t use this plugin myself, but did you try to use their style sheet creator, found here:

It looks like this will let you tweak your plugin style, and hopefully turn off the transparency.

Hi, on “.sf-menu ul” you set opacity and opacvity effects that element and ALL children. You have to remove the opacity set on it :slight_smile:

I’ve done that but parts of the dropdown menu are also clear/seethrough , any ideas ?

Hi , just set a background on the <li> :slight_smile:

#suckerfishnav li li{background:#FFF;}

Your the best ryan , thanks again man !

You’re welcome :).