Merge array question

switch ($this->table)
		case 'BS_category_description': //retrieves category ids based on category name ($src_term) taken from form
			$this->sql='SELECT `category_id` FROM `' . $this->table . '` WHERE `name`="' . $src_term . '"';
			$res = mysqli_query($this->conn,$this->sql);
			if($res->num_rows == 0)
					echo 'No results found, please check your search terms';
			while($cRow = mysqli_fetch_array($res)) // retrieves product ids that use the category id retrieved above
					$this->sqlProd='SELECT `product_id` FROM `BS_product_to_category` WHERE `category_id`=' . $cRow[0];
					$resProd = mysqli_query($this->conn,$this->sqlProd);
					while($prodRow = mysqli_fetch_array($resProd))
							$this->id_arr = array_merge ($prodRow, $this->id_arr); 
		asort ($this->id_arr);

What the above code is intended to do is take a category id and get the product ids that use that category id and put that information into an array $this->id_arr.

Here is the printed out $id_arr:

Array ( [8] => 204 [7] => 205 [6] => 206 [5] => 207 [4] => 208 [3] => 209 [product_id] => 223 [1] => 224 [0] => 225 )

I use the following code to retrieve information from the database based on those ids.

$i = count ($this->id_arr);
for ($a=0; $a < $i; ++$a)
		$output .= '<tr>';
		$this->sql='SELECT model, sku, quantity, image, shipping, price, weight, length, width, height FROM BS_product WHERE product_id='. $this->id_arr[$a];
		echo $this->sql . '<br />';
		$res = mysqli_query($this->conn, $this->sql);
		while($this->sqlOut = mysqli_fetch_array($res))
				echo $this->sqlOut['model'] . '<br />';
		$output .= '</tr>';

The problem arises when it reaches the the key that should be a 2, but says product id. Anyone know why product_id is being put in for the key instead of a 2?

See your array is like this:

Array ( 
	[8] => 204 
	[7] => 205 
	[6] => 206 
	[5] => 207 
	[4] => 208 
	[3] => 209 
	[product_id] => 223 
	[1] => 224 
	[0] => 225 

So it is there product_id instead of 2.

So the better solution would be to loop like this:

foreach($this->id_arr as $id){
	$this->sql='SELECT model, sku, quantity, image, shipping, price, weight, length, width, height FROM BS_product WHERE product_id='. $id;

Or you can directly query in this way:

$this->sql='SELECT model, sku, quantity, image, shipping, price, weight, length, width, height FROM BS_product WHERE product_id IN('. implode(",",$this->id_arr) . ')';

Sweet, dude… thank you very much…