Messaging with Rails and Mailboxer

Thank you for this awesome tutorial!

This is probably easy but I’m totally lost.
Basically I need to let a user send a message to multiple users but keep conversations ‘filtered’ in a way that recipients can only see the messages from the originator and the ones they own.

Does it make sense? Is this suitable for this?

I’ve edited the show view like this:

  <div class="panel-body">
    <% @conversation.messages.each do |message| %>
      <% if message.sender == @conversation.originator or message.sender == current_user %>
      <div class="messages">
        <div class="media">
          <div class="media-left">
            <%= gravatar_for message.sender, 45, message.sender.full_name %>
          <div class="media-body">
            <h6 class="media-heading">
              <%= message.sender.full_name %> (<%= message.created_at.strftime("%-d %B %Y, %H:%M") %>)
            <p><%= message.body %></p>
      <% end %>
    <% end %>

Is there something more I should take into account?
Is this the best way to do it?