Meta property attribute for facebook like button

I’ve been trying to use the facebook ‘like’ plug in, and have trouble with the

<meta property="">

not validating.
Being a relative beginner the facebook forum at is no help at all. Can somebody please explain this in simple terms. After all facebook tell us that the plug ins are really simple to use!!

Well based on your source code I can see what’s potentially wrong, the meta element itself will require both a name and a content attribute as below:

<meta name="" content="">

If however the thing you’re using makes use of XHTML rather than HTML, you need to ensure that the element is closed properly with the / before the closing bracket:

<meta name="" content="" />

If it’s still giving you an error I recommend putting it through the W3C validator (

Having meta with property=“” will cause errors because property isn’t a valid attribute in HTML. :slight_smile:

This is precisely the problem. Facebook stipulate that you have to use meta with property= instead of name= ; for example <meta property=“og:title” content=“The Rock” />