Meta tags

Good day,

I am wanting to add some tags to my website:

<meta name=“keywords” content=“libromania, textos, escolares, libros, colegios, editorial, aleman, ingles, apoderados, libreria, educacion, diccionarios, importados, extranjeros, estudiantes, lectura, estudio, utiles”>
<meta name=“description” content=“libromania, todos sus textos escolares en un solo lugar”>

Should I add them to ALL pages in website, or just to index.html, as it is the default page?


You should have those on each page, BUT … ideally, make them different on each page.

Keywords are not so important now (I think Google ignores them) but the description is used by some search engines (Like Google) in search results, and is factored into SEO. So it’s best if the description relates specifically to the page its on, rather than being general for the whole site.

You basically want people to click on a link in Google, and the description is the most powerful way to attract their interest—apart from the page title, of course, which should also relate to the content of the page.

Got it, thanks!!!

keywords are a waste of time. Spammers misused them from the day they where introduced around '95 until, by '98 all search engines out there stopped paying attention to them.

descriptions are very powerful since Google displays them in results.