Microsoft-Yahoo merger?

Does anyone know what has happened to the microsoft-yahoo merger? I quickly googled but couldn’t find any recent news.

thank you

Never! It will ruin the internet.

Last I heard Bing will become Yahoo’s search resource in October.

Long time ago Microsoft had an attempt to “shop”, but happily this did not happened. :slight_smile:

According to this pretty weird article on the Guardian (, Microsoft last attempt to buy Yahoo was in 2008 but was

vigorously opposed by Yahoo’s board.
If I recall well, the only one to oppose the takeover was former CE Yang, who got sacked despite the good job.

Now, Yahoo and Nokia are making an alliance over smartphones. This sounds interesting (for me at least).

yahoo will surely look to use someone else’s advertising engine because they are closing/closed YPN, however its strange to know that they are losing faith in their own search engine as well… do you have any trust able news source link for this information?

As far as I knew, they had a deal where yahoo would be using microsoft’s search engine and advertising engine. Beyond that, I didn’t hear of any plans for an actual merger (aside from offers/attempts in the years preceding this)

The source link appeared to be dead, but it looks like somebody managed to repost it:

Yahoo! Search Marketing advertisers are being transitioned to Microsoft AdCenter, which will allow advertising on both Bing and Yahoo! search results, some time before the 2010 holiday season. According to their e-mails to advertisers, there will be a time window beginning in late summer during which advertisers move their accounts to Microsoft.