.mobi redesign - strictness of compliance & will extension stick around

I am considering redesigning a PR2 .mobi site, several years old, with html div tags instead of in xhtml, which would clearly be out of compliance with [URL=“http://mtld.mobi/content/mobi-domain-compliance”]mobi standards.

Anyone know - what happens when this is done? Does mTLD really have a say in this?

Will search engines treat it as other extensions having similar content or are .mobi’s considered “different”?

My other concern is if the extension will be around in the years to come. Is there any law that states once a domain extension is introduced, it must remain available to the public domain owners by the issuer?

The div tags are the same for both. You are really talking about switching doctypes. Mobile development seems to be fixated on XHTML (served as actual XHTML), so is there any reason why you want to switch to an HTML doctype?

doctype, no.

But too, will the name stick around as outlined by any law? the discussion I’ve found on this are quite old, and have been for some time.

And since mobi’s are supposed to be designed for cell phone use (nokia, etc) will Google and the others treat the site different if it takes on content like a two or three col web page, which .mobi’s typically don’t do.