Mobile Safari on iPhone landscape view problem

Hi Guys, I’m developing a mobile site and I’m having an issue in iOS Safari. When you rotate the phone into landscape view the you can no longer scroll the page unless you hit the refresh page.

I’m thinking my problem may be in here:

<script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8">
            var jQT = new $.jQTouch({
                icon: 'jqtouch.png',
                icon4: 'jqtouch4.png',
                addGlossToIcon: false,
                startupScreen: 'jqt_startup.png',
                statusBar: 'black-translucent',
                themeSelectionSelector: '#jqt #themes ul',
                preloadImages: []

            // Some sample Javascript functions:

                // Orientation callback event
                $('#jqt').bind('turn', function(e, data){
                    $('#orient').html('Orientation: ' + data.orientation);


Please let me know if anyone has any ideas. Thanks