mod_rewrite: rewrite URLs using sub-string of file names for directory paths?

I’m trying to use Apache mod_alias / mod_rewrite / scriptaliasmatch to solve the following problem:

I need requests for files in this format:


to be mapped to files that exist at this location:


The first two letters of the file name need to be added to the directory path of the file.

I need this to work for all requests to the images folder, so these URL’s


Need to be mapped to the files:


What is the best way to accomplish this?

You can capture parts of the original string with (parentheses), then you can use those captured values in the replacement with $1, $2, etc. Here’s an example that will probably work. I haven’t tested it.

RedirectMatch 301 ^/images/(([^/])([^/])[^/]*)$ /images/$2/$3/$1

Thanks so much Jeff … This worked perfectly once I removed the first forward slash!