MS Database linked to Calendar Control

I have added a calendar to a customer’s website and created a database with auction dates and links to PDF files of the auction fliers. How do I link them so that each day there is an auction, the viewers can click on a text link to view the auction flyer?


My database fields are e-date, e-event and e-link
I would like viewers to be able to click the e-event name to open the e-link flyer

I have no clue what I am doing, please help!

Are you looking to hire someone? Having no clue is usually bad for business.

I’ve included a calendar in a customer’s site before so I may be able to help if you show some code that you’ve tried. Are you familiar with DayRenderEventArgs?

Another question is why link to a PDF file instead of putting the flyer text into the database?

This company has two websites one for selling home and the other for auction. They want the fliers from the auction site to be accessed from the real estate site. Not looking to hire anyone, need to learn how to do this. Yes I have hear of the day render just haven’t used it before. I am going over the MSDN site info and W3C but examples sure go a long way. If you could point me to a tutorial or other info, I would appreciate it. Thanks for your help!

I’ve never seen a tutorial for this. As long as you have ample time then learning on the job is fine. That’s why I was wondering if you were looking to hire.

Show your code and maybe we can at least give you a starting point.

I’ve also dealt with a company that wanted everything available as a PDF instead of web pages because they didn’t want anyone to be able to steal the clip art that they stole. :lol:

Another question: is there ever going to be more than one flyer per date? If so, you may need to rethink clicking a date to access them.