Multiple foreach statements

I’m using costum field in wp to show image and text multiple time but after the second time it give me this warning … why?


Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach()

$text = get_post_meta($post->ID, "text", false);
$image = get_post_meta($post->ID, "image", false);
if ($text . $image[0]=="")

 { ?>
<?php } else { ?>

<div class="Caption">
	foreach($text as $text) {
   foreach($image as $image){
   echo     '<div class="tutorial">' ,   '<img src="'.$image.'"  width="250"" align="left" >'  ;
   echo          '<p>'.$text.'</p>'   ;
} ?>

</div> 	 <?php } ?>	

I’m… not a WP guru, but i’m fairly sure you shouldnt be nesting your foreach.

Also, you cant say $text as $text, or you’ve overwritten $text.

Script starts, gets an array for $text.
Foreach $text as $text; the loop starts, takes the first element of $text, and sets it to $text. $text is now a string.
Output happens.
Loop ends. Foreach looks for the next element of the $text array… but $text isnt an array anymore. So it throws a warning.

I think you’re looking for something more like…

    foreach($text as $key => $textcur) {
   echo     '<div class="tutorial">' ,   '<img src="'.$image[$key].'"  width="250"" align="left" >'  ;
   echo          '<p>'.$textcur.'</p>'   ; 

God bless you … work perfectly … have a fantastic day tnx

The error in your foreach script is because the foreach script expects an array as the first parameter and iterates through the array showing each string $item and possibly a numeric $key if it is mapped to the string $item.

Your foreach script first parameter is an array and uses the same array name as the second iterator parameter.

I always pluralise the first array parameter and then use the $key => $item:

Try this: (not tested :frowning:

  $textS   = get_post_meta($post->ID, "text", false); 
  $imageS = get_post_meta($post->ID, "image", false); 

  if ($textS . $imageS[0] !== "")
    echo '<div class="Caption">'; 
       foreach($textS as $text)
           foreach($imageS as $key => $image)
               echo  '<div class="tutorial">';
                 echo '<img src="' .$image .'"  width="250"" align="left" />'  ; 
                 echo '<p>';   
                    echo '$key => ' .var_dump($key);
                 echo '</p>';   
                 echo '<p>' .$text .'</p>';  
               echo '</div>'; // tutorial
    echo '</div>'; // Caption 

// using alternative syntax - do you think it is easier to understand?

  if ($textS . $imageS[0] !== "") : // trailing colon

    echo '<div class="Caption">'; 
       foreach($textS as $text) : // trailing colon
           foreach($imageS as $key => $image)  :  // trailing colon
               echo  '<div class="tutorial">';
                 echo '<img src="' .$image .'"  width="250"" align="left" />'  ; 
                 echo '<p>';   
                    echo '$key => ' .var_dump($key);
                 echo '</p>';   
                 echo '<p>' .$text .'</p>';  
               echo '</div>'; // tutorial
    echo '</div>'; // Caption 
