Multiple Image gallery for a k2 item

I am working for a site for which 'am using k2 component.
I am able to implement all the features required in the site with k2 except one.
The site requires the k2 items to have multiple galleries under different labels.
I am not being able to figure out how to do that for k2 item. Also the images of the galleries need to appear in pop-up when a site visitor clicks over a particular gallery link.

If one can tell me how to add an extra file upload field in the k2 form, that will also be helpful.

if anyone know how to do it, please help me…

Thanks in advance…!

To add lightbox support for gallery thumbnails, you can use some plugin or include required lightbox js and css files and use code like this:

function my_filter_attachment_link($markup, $id, $size, $permalin) {
    if (!$permalink && $size == 'thumbnail') {
        $attachement = get_post($id);
        $markup = str_replace( '<a href', '<a rel="lightbox[galleryid-'. $attachment->post_parent .']" href', $markup );
    return $markup;
add_filter('wp_get_attachment_link', 'my_filter_attachment_link', 10, 4);