Multiple pages for search results from msql database

Hi all,

Another quick (possible long) question.

I have a msql database with lots of data in, when I do a php script to search and pull up the information I want the webpage has loads of records displayed, what I want to do is have it display say 10 then at the bottom of the list have page numbers that will allow users to move to the next page etc, like on most websites, I just wanted to know how you do this.

Hope this makes sense


  • Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Yes it makes sense :slight_smile:
It’s called pagination. Try a search in this forum, or google for it, and you’ll find tons of examples.

Thanks mate I didn’t know what it was called, thanks for your tip

  • Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

The first google search with knowing the name brings a great tutorial,


  • Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

You’re welcome. If you have any questions/problems when you implement the pagination, don’t hesitate to post them here.

Thank you

  • Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Here is another paginator which i used it in few clients websites.

PHP Paginator

This is very easy pluginable in any code and which works very independently.
Might useful for you.