Multiple TABLE entries

OK chaps,

Currently, I have a database with a (translation) projects table, and 3 jobsheet tables linked to the projects table by a foreign key. Each jobsheet can only have 1 ‘target’ language, along with ‘wordsgross’.

What I’m after is a 4th table which can contain multiple ‘target’ languages, along with corresponding ‘wordsgross’, something like this:

jobid (int)
jobname (varchar)
FK_projid (int)
FK_langid (int)
wordsgross (int)

The FK_langid and wordsgross are the columns that need to be linked together, then repeated for each ‘target’ language.

I’m not sure if this makes sense, the only other thing I can think of is a Car Insurance website when you need to ‘Add Another Driver’, then another, and another . . . .these multiple entries are still linked to same account, but allow ‘unlimited’ drivers (just like I need ‘unlimited’ languages).

If my understanding of how to do this is completely wrong, please set me straight.


i am

it doesn’t


please start by explaining why you have three job sheet tables instead of one, and then esxdplain how this 4th table that you’re trying to build will relate to those three