My custom wordpress Theme is not showing my new post

I’ve made a wordpress theme from scratch and my wordpress post from my main site is not showing up

Is it that your theme doesn’t appear in your admin dashboard

Or the theme is not working when you activate it?

No i have it on and when i installed it on my main site it did not show any of my new post

Are you trying to load posts from another blog? That probably won’t work unless you use multisite, and even then not the normal way. What does your theme file look like (the one that’s supposed to show the posts)?

no i am trying to get my post from my main site to go to my custom wordpress theme

I mean, it could be anything. You’re not really giving us any detail.

Here’s what I would try:

  • If they’re using different databases, make sure you import the data from the old site into the new one
  • Make sure you are calling exactly the same post types. In other words, don’t try to load content from “posts” as “pages”
  • In the root of your beta site, open wp-config.php and look for “WP_DEBUG”. Set it to true and see if there are any errors

if you go to it shows the theme with a custom post that i had to add as code