My email function is not working properly

When a user creates a new entry, it should send a mail to all other users that new entry has created. It is sending the mail but it is sending all
the user mails. for example i am having 5 users each user is suppose to get one mail, but they are getting 5 mails which i don’t want.
I checked the code but i am unable to trace the bug.

Any help in this regard is appreciated.

Below is the code


// Disallow direct access to this file
defined(‘_JEXEC’) or die(‘Restricted access’);


  • LyftenBloggie Framework Settings class

  • @static

  • @package LyftenBloggie

  • @since 1.1.0
    class BloggieEmail extends JObject
    var $_template;
    var $_db;
    var $_file;

    var $_values = array();
    var $_emails = array();


    • Constructor
      function BloggieEmail()

      $this->_db = & JFactory::getDBO();


    • Returns a reference to a global Settings object, only creating it

    • if it doesn’t already exist.

    • This method must be invoked as:

    •  $emailer = & BloggieEmail::getInstance();
    • @access public

    • @return BloggieEmail object.
      function &getInstance($sig = ‘default’)
      static $instance;

      if (!isset($instance)) {
      $instance = array();

      if (!isset($instance[$sig]))
      $instance[$sig] = new BloggieEmail();

      return $instance[$sig];


    • Template file name
    • @param string $file
    • @return void
      public function setTemplate($file)
      $file = str_replace(‘.tpl’, ‘’, $file);
      $this->_file = $file;


    • Push value, pattern assignment

    • @param misc $value

    • @param string $pattern

    • @return void
      public function assign($key, $value)
      foreach($value as $subkey=>$val)
      $this->_values[$key.‘.’.$subkey] = $val;


      }else if(is_string($value))
      $this->_values[$key] = $value;



    • Method to determine to whom the email goes

    • @return object
      function emailWho($entry_id = null)

      //Emails from permissions
      $query = ‘SELECT’
      . ’ FROM #__bloggies_groups AS r’
      . ’ WHERE r.email_all = \‘1\’’
      . ’ GROUP BY’;
      $this->_db->setQuery( $query );
      $groups = $this->_db->loadResultArray();
      $groups = implode( ‘,’, $groups );

      $query = ‘SELECT,, u.gid’
      . ’ FROM #__users AS u’
      . ’ WHERE u.gid IN (‘. $groups .’)';
      $this->_db->setQuery( $query );
      $emails = $this->_db->loadObjectList();

      //Email from entry
      //Set entry to template

       //Lookup author email
       $query = 'SELECT,, u.gid'
       	. ' FROM #__bloggies_entries AS e'
       	. ' LEFT JOIN #__users AS u ON = e.created_by'
       	. ' WHERE = \\''.$entry_id.'\\'';
       $this-&gt;_db-&gt;setQuery( $query );
       $users = $this-&gt;_db-&gt;loadObjectList();
       $emails = array_merge((array)$emails, (array)$users);


      //Set them to the Object
      foreach($emails as $email)
      //Get access group
      $accessGroups = BloggieAccess::getInstance($email->gid);

       	//Ensure the user can get the email
       	// if($accessGroups-&gt;get('emails.'.$this-&gt;_file) || $accessGroups-&gt;get('emails.receive_all'))
       	if($accessGroups-&gt;get('emails.'.$this-&gt;_file) || $accessGroups-&gt;get('emails.receive_all'))
       		$this-&gt;_emails[$email-&gt;email] = $email-&gt;name;

      return !empty($this->_emails);


    • Method to set entry to the template

    • @return object
      function setEntry($entry_id = null)
      if(!$entry_id) return;

      $query = ‘SELECT e.title,’
      . ’ CASE WHEN CHAR_LENGTH(e.alias) THEN CONCAT_WS(“:”,, e.alias) ELSE END as slug,’
      . ’ CASE WHEN CHAR_LENGTH(c.slug) THEN c.slug ELSE 0 END as catslug’
      . ’ FROM #__bloggies_entries AS e’
      . ’ LEFT JOIN #__bloggies_categories AS c ON = e.catid’
      . ’ WHERE = ‘.$entry_id
      $entry = $this->db->loadAssoc();
      $entry[‘url’] = JRoute::
      (JURI::base().‘index.php?option=com_lyftenbloggie&view=entry&category=’.$entry[‘catslug’].’&id='. $entry[‘slug’]);

      //assign entry to template
      $this->assign(‘entry’, $entry);


    • Method to create a Joomla Mailer

    • @return object
      function createMailObj($subject)
      global $mainframe;

      //Load Joomla Mailer

      $mail =& JFactory::getMailer();

      //Add Sender
      $mail->FromName = $mainframe->getCfg(‘fromname’);
      $mail->From = $mainframe->getCfg(‘mailfrom’);


      return $mail;


    • Method to send email

    • @return boolean
      function sendMail($subject)
      //Create Mailer
      $mailer = $this->createMailObj($subject);

      // Check if mail address is valid.
      $regexp = “^([_a-z0-9-]+)(\.[_a-z0-9-]+)@([a-z0-9-]+)(\.[a-z0-9-]+)(\.[a-z]{2,4})$”;

      //Send each email separately
      foreach ($this->_emails as $email=>$user)

      if(!empty($email) && eregi($regexp, $email))

       	$this-&gt;assign('', $user);
       	//set body and send
       	if($body = $this-&gt;output())

      return true;


    • Get output from template

    • @return string
      public function output()
      if (!file_exists(BLOGGIE_ADMIN_PATH.DS.‘framework’.DS.‘emails’.DS.$this->_file.‘.tpl’)) return;

      $output = file_get_contents(BLOGGIE_ADMIN_PATH.DS.‘framework’.DS.‘emails’.DS.$this->_file.‘.tpl’);

      foreach ($this->_values as $key => $value)
      $tagToReplace = ‘{’.$key.‘}’;
      $output = str_replace($tagToReplace, $value, $output);

      return $output;

Did you made this yourself or did you get/copy it from somewhere. I have to admit, that PHP isn’t my strongest point but I find this quite a sript for just seding an email. I noticed the use of array’s in your script as well what I find very unusual. A wild guess is that you keep looping, until the last message is sent which is the reason why everyone receives multiple nails


And I am also new to php . Could you please help me out. I checked the code
so many times but i am unable to trace it.

Thanks & Regards.
