My member display list shows error in index.php

If I pull up

In index.php…


         &lt;p&gt; &lt;?php print "$TKTedMemberDisplayList"; ?&gt;

    &lt;div style="width:728px; height:827px; border: #999 thin solid; overflow:auto;"&gt;&lt;?php print "$announcerDisplayList"; ?&gt;


I get this one error in between a table and some pictures that show on my home page.

Notice: Undefined variable: TKTedMemberDisplayList in /home/*******/public_html/index.php on line 89 (should show members picture)

I use TKTedMemberDisplayList in other php pages and no problem.

However; If I pull up The error is not there and the
TKTedMemberDisplayList shows members pictures.

Thanks in advance

Hey Scott,

I believe you have to check the whole programming once again because as you said everything is correct, the website which you provided doesn’t have any errors at all so there could be some tiny issue into the programming.

Please check and let me know if you have any further queries.

Best Regards,

Navin Patel

The code provide is the great way for submitting the information that give us a great example.