mysql_fetch_array problem

I am trying to get the total sum of some values from my db, my code below just outputs “Array” and not the actual numbers… any ideas?

$query_c1 = "SELECT SUM(order_price) AS total_price FROM orders WHERE charity_coupons_code = 'test1'";
											$dbc1 = mysqli_connect('localhost', 'yellowb_user','data123','yellowb_data');
											$db_charity = mysqli_query($dbc1,$query_c1);											
											while($row=	mysqli_fetch_array($db_charity)) {
											   $data[] = $row[0];
											echo $data;

$data = array();
while($row=    mysqli_fetch_array($db_charity)) {
    array_push ($data,$row[0]);
print_r $data;

As above, may be used.

because… $data is an array.
print_r($data) instead.

just changed it but now it output is:

Array ( [0] => )

Try print_r 'ing $row inside the loop.

now its outputing this

Array ( [0] => )