MySQL query for creating a recordset of users who've been inactive for 6 months


I’m building a shopping site and would like to email customers who’ve registered but haven’t bought anything from the site in the last 6 months.

I have two tables:

tblcustomers is the table where the registered customers are stored, the key fields are:
custId (unique id)
custName (their name)
custEmail (their email address)

I then have another table for orders placed on the website: tblshoporders, the key fields are:
OrderId (unique id)
OrderCustId (the id of the customer who placed the order)
OrderDate (the date of the order (YYYY-MM-DD)

I need to create a query that will make a recordset of customers who have not bought anything in the last six months. If they have made a purchase (within the last 6 months) they can be ignored.

I’ve been trying various queries but the problem I’m getting is that a single customer may have placed several orders over different dates but I only need to make sure they haven’t bought anything in the last six months - also my query is finding only customers that “have” made a purchase, I also want any customer that hasn’t made a single purchase yet (i.e. is not in the tblshoporders table).

Any help would be gratefully received.

Many thanks.

the way to do this is the classic “unmatched” query, a.k.a. LEFT OUTER JOIN with IS NULL test

strategy: write the left join to look for the matches you ~don’t~ want to find

this means all the necessary condition go into the ON clause – in this case, the date condition

then add a WHERE clause to restrict the results to unmatched rows, i.e. where a NULL is returned in the main join column

SELECT c.custId
     , c.custName
     , c.custEmail
  FROM tblcustomers AS c
  JOIN tblshoporders AS o
    ON o.OrderCustId = c.custId
 WHERE o.OrderCustId IS NULL  

Thank you so much - you are an absolute genius! - it works a treat.

Thank you, thank you, thank you.