Nearest neighbor algorithm in PHP

Hi guys,

I am trying to solve the nearest neighbor problem in PHP (see

I have a list of x,y points representing Cartesian coordinates on a 2d plane. For any given point on the Cartesian plane, I need to find it’s nearest neighbor(s).

This is the first time for me working with the k-nn problem and appreciate any sort of guidance.

I know I will need to start bisecting the plane, and building a tree. But looking for some more detailed steps on how to approach this. What are the steps? What kind of tree should I use? Any help on how to get started much appreciated. Thank you.

Here’s a quick implementation, I think I got the algorithm right, I just glanced over it.


// Random cartesian coordinates (x, y) and labels
$data = array(
    array(1, 2, 'red'),   // 0 =>
    array(5, 3, 'blue'),  // 1 =>
    array(-1, 2, 'blue'), // 2 =>
    array(2, 5, 'red'),   // 3 =>
    array(3, 3, 'red'),   // 4 =>
    array(-4, 5, 'blue'), // 5 =>
    array(2, 2, 'blue'),  // 6 =>
    array(5, -2, 'red'),  // 7 =>
    array(-1, -2, 'blue'),// 8 =>

// Build distance matrix
$distances = $data;
array_walk($distances, 'euclideanDistance', $data);

// Example, target = datapoint 5, getting 3 nearest neighbors
$neighbors = getNearestNeighbors($distances, 5, 3);

echo getLabel($data, $neighbors) . "\
"; // red

 * Calculates eucilean distances for an array dataset
 * @param array $sourceCoords In format array(x, y)
 * @param array $sourceKey Associated array key
 * @param array $data 
 * @return array Of distances to the rest of the data set
function euclideanDistance(&$sourceCoords, $sourceKey, $data)
    $distances = array();
    list ($x1, $y1) = $sourceCoords;
    foreach ($data as $destinationKey => $destinationCoords) {
        // Same point, ignore
        if ($sourceKey == $destinationKey) {
        list ($x2, $y2) = $destinationCoords;
        $distances[$destinationKey] = sqrt(pow($x1 - $x2, 2) + pow($y1 - $y2, 2));
    $sourceCoords = $distances;

 * Returns n-nearest neighbors
 * @param array $distances Distances generated above ^
 * @param mixed $key Array key of source location
 * @param int $num Of neighbors to fetch
 * @return array Of nearest neighbors
function getNearestNeighbors($distances, $key, $num)
    return array_slice($distances[$key], 0, $num, true);

 * Gets result label from associated data
 * @param array $data 
 * @param array $neighbors Result from getNearestNeighbors()
 * @return string label
function getLabel($data, $neighbors)
    $results = array();
    $neighbors = array_keys($neighbors);
    foreach ($neighbors as $neighbor) {
        $results[] = $data[$neighbor][2];
    $values = array_count_values($results);
    $values = array_flip($values);
    return array_pop($values);

Value of $distances:

    [0] => Array
            [6] => 1
            [2] => 2
            [4] => 2.2360679775
            [3] => 3.16227766017
            [1] => 4.12310562562
            [8] => 4.472135955
            [7] => 5.65685424949
            [5] => 5.83095189485

    [1] => Array
            [4] => 2
            [6] => 3.16227766017
            [3] => 3.60555127546
            [0] => 4.12310562562
            [7] => 5
            [2] => 6.0827625303
            [8] => 7.81024967591
            [5] => 9.21954445729

    [2] => Array
            [0] => 2
            [6] => 3
            [8] => 4
            [4] => 4.12310562562
            [5] => 4.24264068712
            [3] => 4.24264068712
            [1] => 6.0827625303
            [7] => 7.21110255093

    [3] => Array
            [4] => 2.2360679775
            [6] => 3
            [0] => 3.16227766017
            [1] => 3.60555127546
            [2] => 4.24264068712
            [5] => 6
            [8] => 7.61577310586
            [7] => 7.61577310586

    [4] => Array
            [6] => 1.41421356237
            [1] => 2
            [0] => 2.2360679775
            [3] => 2.2360679775
            [2] => 4.12310562562
            [7] => 5.38516480713
            [8] => 6.40312423743
            [5] => 7.28010988928

    [5] => Array
            [2] => 4.24264068712
            [0] => 5.83095189485
            [3] => 6
            [6] => 6.7082039325
            [4] => 7.28010988928
            [8] => 7.61577310586
            [1] => 9.21954445729
            [7] => 11.401754251

    [6] => Array
            [0] => 1
            [4] => 1.41421356237
            [3] => 3
            [2] => 3
            [1] => 3.16227766017
            [7] => 5
            [8] => 5
            [5] => 6.7082039325

    [7] => Array
            [1] => 5
            [6] => 5
            [4] => 5.38516480713
            [0] => 5.65685424949
            [8] => 6
            [2] => 7.21110255093
            [3] => 7.61577310586
            [5] => 11.401754251

    [8] => Array
            [2] => 4
            [0] => 4.472135955
            [6] => 5
            [7] => 6
            [4] => 6.40312423743
            [3] => 7.61577310586
            [5] => 7.61577310586
            [1] => 7.81024967591

Value of $neighbors of point 5 (-4, 5), 3 nearest:

    [2] => 4.24264068712
    [0] => 5.83095189485
    [3] => 6

2 is blue, 0 is red, and 3 is red, which makes point 5 red.

In this example we ignore the source point’s existing label and reclassify it, but it’s just an example.



Oh, and it doesn’t do the recursive dive if an equal number of labels exist for a value k, it instead returns one arbitrarily

Hey thanks for the reply! I will take a look at your solution.

I think really the best solution to this is to use a KDTree. But I have no idea how to implement one.

Provides pretty detailed steps on the creation of a Kd-tree.

Remember to read the references section of the PHP manual as it’s slightly different than what you probably learned in your C or Java class.

Hey, OK guys, so I followed the algorithm in the wikipedia article and constructed my kdTree with my point set.

I am now trying to implement the nearest neighbor search. The wikipedia example shows how to find the closest neighbor, but I want the nearest three. Could someone breakdown the algo for me?



The OP has a two-dimensional data set. Why the hell is there a need to model the data in a KDTree before running the nearest neighbor algorithm?