Need help building a calendar (proper algorithm)

I am building a calendar based on this plugin

I have added a feature where upon selecting a timeslot a popup window appears with a dropdown menu where the time selected will appear there
just like calendar.

I have managed the above by “taking” the HTML segment(which contains the time in numeric format,13:00 for example) of the time slot clicked and “transferring” that to the drop down menu-by selecting a specific value in it.

And here is my problem:
Every numeric value is hold in this element

<div class="fc-event-inner"><div class="fc-event-time">13:00  - 14:00 </div></div>

So, I target fc-event-time to get the time-13:00-14:00 here.

The issue is that when I go to click another timeslot(and subsequently for the popup window to appear) the time that is “grabbed” is of a timeslot already present
in the calendar…and that because all timeslots have the same class/element you see above.

What can I do in such a case?
Anyway here is the js code:

  $('#calendar').on('mouseup', '.fc-event-inner', function () {

     var timeslot=$('.fc-event-time').html().slice(0,2).replace(":","");//this separates the hours from the minutes
     if(timeslot>=10)//no need to know what this conditional does for the moment
     {var tslot=$('.fc-event-time').html().slice(0,5).replace(":","");}
     {var tslot=$('.fc-event-time').html().slice(0,4).replace(":","");}

      $('#times').easyDropDown('select',tslot); //this sets the value at the dropdown menu...easyDropDown is a jquery plugin
