Need help changing 'Submit' location and image

This script works successfully, I’d simply like to change the Submit location and image.
What code could add/change to this Submit button to change it’s location on the page, and to make it into an image/button. I’ve tried several things without success. Thanks

document.write("<form action='index.html?filename="+my_filename+"' method='POST'><input type='submit' name='record' value='Re-record' id='record_button' />

Here’s the whole code:

<script type="text/javascript"><script type="text/javascript">
var my_filename	= get_parm('filename');

var file		= document.getElementById("form_filename");
file.value 		= my_filename;

document.write("<form action='index.html?filename="+my_filename+"' method='POST'><input type='submit' name='record' value='Re-record' id='record_button' /></form>");

var flashvars = {
source: my_filename,
server: "rtmp://67.xx.ww.xx./",
type: "video",
streamtype: "rtmp",
poster: "poster.png",
autostart: "false",
logo: "logo.png",
logoposition: "top left",
logoalpha: "30",
logowidth: "130",
logolink: "",
hardwarescaling: "false",
darkcolor: "000000",
brightcolor: "4c4c4c",
controlcolor: "FFFFFF",
hovercolor : "67A8C1"
var params = {
allowFullscreen: "false",
allowScriptAccess: "always",
bgcolor: "#000000",
quality: "high",
scale: "noscale",
wmode: "opaque",
seamlesstabbing: "false"
var attributes = {};

swfobject.embedSWF("JarisFLVPlayer.swf", "player", "448", "336", "9.0.0","expressInstall.swf", flashvars, params, attributes);

function get_parm(name)
name 		= name.replace(/[\\[]/,"\\\\\\[").replace(/[\\]]/,"\\\\\\]");
var regexS	= "[\\\\?&]"+name+"=([^&#]*)";
var regex	= new RegExp( regexS );
var results	= regex.exec( window.location.href );
if( results == null )
return "";
return results[1];