Need help in group by query

The query is as follows,

“SELECT ep.EventPartID,e.StartDate, e.EventID,r.RelationshipID
FROM GhEvents e
inner join GhEventParts ep on e.EventID = ep.EventID
inner join GhRcEventParts rcep on ep.EventPartID = rcep.EventPartID
inner join GhRelationships r on rcep.RelationshipID = r.RelationshipID
inner join GhContacts c on r.ContactID = c.ContactID
inner join GhUsers u on u.UserID = r.UserID
left join GhGroupsContacts gc on gc.ContactID=c.ContactID
WHERE e.UserID = 235
and u.UserID = 235
and e.EventTypeID=5
and e.StatusCodeID=1
and r.StatusCodeID=1
and r.ContactID <> u.ContactID
and e.StartDate >= now()
ORDER BY e.StartDate DESC”

Results is as follows,

4639321 2012-04-23 18:30:00 1243955 147186
4639324 2012-04-23 18:30:00 1243956 147584
4639312 2012-04-10 18:30:00 1243952 147186
4639315 2012-04-10 18:30:00 1243953 147584

Here i need to change query to get the below results, i mean here group by last column, but i need to get the records that closed to current date. I used group by last column.

4639312 2012-04-10 18:30:00 1243952 147186
4639315 2012-04-10 18:30:00 1243953 147584

SELECT ep.EventPartID,e.StartDate, e.EventID,r.RelationshipID
FROM GhEvents e
inner join GhEventParts ep on e.EventID = ep.EventID
inner join GhRcEventParts rcep on ep.EventPartID = rcep.EventPartID
inner join GhRelationships r on rcep.RelationshipID = r.RelationshipID
inner join GhContacts c on r.ContactID = c.ContactID
inner join GhUsers u on u.UserID = r.UserID
left join GhGroupsContacts gc on gc.ContactID=c.ContactID
WHERE e.UserID = 235
and u.UserID = 235
and e.EventTypeID=5
and e.StatusCodeID=1
and r.StatusCodeID=1
and r.ContactID <> u.ContactID
and e.StartDate >= now()
GROUP BY r.RelationshipID

please help me out, i need the results should show startdate descending wise & events that are closer to current date.