Need help in input type name array

Good day!
Before i have codes like this:

  //query select compound_type
    $sql_comp = "SELECT cloth_id, cloth_type FROM assembly_cloth_list WHERE process_cloth_id = '3' ORDER BY cloth_type ASC";
    $res = mysql_query($sql_comp);

            $display .= "<table border=0 cellpadding=1 cellspacing=3 class=\\"display\\">\\r";        
        while($comp = mysql_fetch_assoc($res)){    
        $cloth_type = $comp['cloth_type'];
        $cloth_id   = $comp['cloth_id'];   
        $display .= "<tr>";

            //---display cloth_type
            $display .= "<td style=\\"width:230px;\\" align=\\"center\\">
            <input type='text' name='cloth_type[]' value='$cloth_type' style='border:none;' size='33' />
            <input type='hidden' name='cloth_id[]' value='$cloth_id' />
            //---input box for output
            $display .= "<td style=\\"width:66px;\\" align=\\"center\\"><input type='text' name='output[]' value='' style=\\"width:96%;\\" /></td>";
            //----i used foreach to loop textbox in every reject acronym.

            foreach($reject_id AS $reject_i)                {
                $display .= "<td style=\\"width:66px;\\" align=\\"center\\"><input type='text' name='reject[$cloth_id][]' value='' style=\\"width:96%;\\" /></td>";   
            $display .= "</tr>";

now I need to change it for new module. Now the Cloth was not display. it will be also type by the user.
now I have a problem on reject
how can I change this line of code:

   foreach($reject_id AS $reject_i)                {
                $display .= "<td style=\\"width:66px;\\" align=\\"center\\"><input type='text' name='reject[$cloth_id][]' value='' style=\\"width:96%;\\" /></td>";   

how can I change this code: name=‘reject[$cloth_id]

if I don’t have $cloth_id and the cloth_type is like this

            $display .= "<td style=\\"width:190px;\\" align=\\"center\\">
            <input type='text' name='cloth_type[]' value='' size='27' />

Thank you