Need help in table design in displaying data from database


I created query to display the reject acronym and reject name.

here is my code:

            $sql_reject = "select r.reject_acro, r.reject_id, r.reject_name from process_list AS p LEFT JOIN reject_list AS r ON
p.reject_id = r.reject_process_id
 where p.process_name LIKE '" . ($_POST["id"]) . "%'";

           $res_reject = mysql_query($sql_reject);
           echo "<table>";
           while($row_reject = mysql_fetch_assoc($res_reject)){
               $acro        = $row_reject['reject_acro'];
               $reject_name = $row_reject['reject_name'];

            echo "<tr>";
            echo "<td>$acro</td>";
            echo "<td>$reject_name</td>";
            echo "</tr>";

           echo "</table>";

and my data in my database is this:


now in this code the output is the same above

but i want it to display like this: I want to display in for columns


Thank you

When you get your associative array back from your mysql query use a foreach loop.

foreach ($row_reject AS $key => $value) {
	echo $key . " - " . $value . "<br>";

Thank you… I’ll try it later

I don’t think Banana Man’s comment is relevant. If I’m reading correctly your code is working but you want the data shown in 8 columns (you say 4 but your example shows 8 - in any case the principle is the same). So try something like this:

// add values to an array
$data = array();
while($row_reject = mysql_fetch_assoc($res_reject)){
 $data[] = $row_reject['reject_acro'];
 $data[] = $reject_name = $row_reject['reject_name'];

// set number of columns
$cols = 8;

// output table
echo "<table>\
$x = 0;
foreach ($data AS $v) {
 if ($x % $cols == 0) { // if $x is 0 or a multiple of $cols, start a new row
  echo '<tr>';
 echo '<td>' . $v . '</td>';
 if ($x % $cols == 0) { // if $x is 0 or a multiple of $cols, end row
  echo "</tr>\

// complete row if there aren't 8 items
if ($x % $cols > 0) {
 $rem = $cols - ($x % $cols); // number of columns needed to complete row
 for ($i = 0; $i < $rem; $i++) {
  echo '<td>&nbsp;</td>';
 echo "</tr>\
echo "</table>\

Hi I tried this and it works.

Now I want to add table header.

Where can I add code for table header.

Thank you

As you are making a query directly from post, might I suggest making an approved list of Process Names and check POST against this array before making your query. Then adding the heading is much like was done for columns.

include "connection.php"; 
$display = "";

//Make array of valid process names
$valid_process_names = array();
$sql = "SELECT DISTINCT(process_name) FROM process_list";
$result = mysql_query($sql);
while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)){
	$valid_process_names[] = $row['process_name'];
	//Double check that POST is a valid name
		$display .= "Not a valid process name";
		$sql_reject = "select r.reject_acro, r.reject_id, r.reject_name from process_list AS p LEFT JOIN reject_list AS r ON 
		p.reject_id = r.reject_process_id
		 where p.process_name LIKE '" . ($_POST['id']) . "%'";
		$res_reject = mysql_query($sql_reject);
		// add values to an array
		$data = array();
		while($row_reject = mysql_fetch_assoc($res_reject)){
		 $data[] = $row_reject['reject_acro'];
		 $data[] = $reject_name = $row_reject['reject_name'];
		// set number of columns
		$cols = 8;
		// output table
		$display .= "<table>\
		$xh = 0;
			foreach ($data AS $v) {
					$heading = ($xh % 2 == 0 ? "Reject Acro" : "Reject Name");
					if ($xh % $cols == 0) {
						$display .= '<tr>';
					$display .= '<th>' . $heading . '</th>';
					if ($xh % $cols == 0) { 
						$display .= "</tr>\
		$x = 0;
		foreach ($data AS $v) {
			if ($x % $cols == 0) { // if $x is 0 or a multiple of $cols, start a new row
				$display .= '<tr>';
			$display .= '<td>' . $v . '</td>';
			if ($x % $cols == 0) { // if $x is 0 or a multiple of $cols, end row
				$display .= "</tr>\
		// complete row if there aren't 8 items
		if ($x % $cols > 0) {
			$rem = $cols - ($x % $cols); // number of columns needed to complete row
			for ($i = 0; $i < $rem; $i++) {
				$display .= '<td>&nbsp;</td>';
			$display .= "</tr>\
		$display .= "</table>\
if(isset($display)){ echo $display;} 