Need help in using MS SQL Server 2005

Hi, can you help me please? it possible to use MS sql server 2005 as my database in php,because i already tried using, please correct me if i am wrong wamp as my “database server”,…and i want to try other database and i choose MS sql server 2005,i also installed the MS sql management studio express,…Now where should i start configuring,can you please provide me steps by steps so that i can connect or communicate to the sql server.I am just working in 1 desktop…I hope you can help me.

Is there a specific reason for choosing MsSQL? If it’s just desire to learn something new, then I think checking PostgreSQL or one of those noSQl solutions would give more benefit, as I am not aware of many PHP webapps that use MsSQL. To answer your question, it’s worth checking out MsSQl server driver for PHP, there are some pretty comprehensive beginner guide to get you started.

Hi, sorry for the late reply,…is it okay to use windowsXP?

I don’t a reason for not using WindowsXP, any system is suitable for learning process. In fact I believe, MsSQL runs only on Windows.

do we still need to start the wamp even we are using ms sql server?

WAMP stands for windows, apache, mysql and php, so yes, you need to start it to run your php app.

Thank you for the reply…I’ll be back if i get in trouble.