Need help positioning background images

Hi all,

I have created a ul which has li with links which are replaced with background images, I have then tried to float this ul to the right but getting weird results in ie7, I really really think Im doing all this wrong and would love some help because Iv tried a few ways but just cant get it right!

Page is here

Thanks loads in advance!

Move the DIV outside of the UL

  <ul class="social_links">

    <li><a href="2" class="last_fm">Last Fm</a></li>
    <li><a href="4" class="facebook">Facebook</a></li>
    <li><a href="5" class="twitter">Twitter</a></li>

  <div style="clear: both;"></div>


Hey all got it fixed, need to float the li left and not the a!

just add float:left

.social_links li{


Hi, to explain, this was the staircase bug in IE7, and as you found out the fix is to float the outer parent (the <li>) and not the anchor. Giving the <li> display:inline; woulda also worked along with a few other properties :slight_smile:

If you wanna read up on it:
staircase fun with IE