Need help scrolling browser window. Please help!

Hi guys,

I’m creating a website using a responsive template…

Everything works exactly how I want it but when I get to the content pages, the page doesn’t scroll so the viewer can see more content, everything appears fixed/hidden.

I’ve played around with the overflow for ages but can’t get it to work but it just isn’t happening! :frowning:

I basically want the browser window to have a scrollbar which only scrolls the main content container and with the background image remaining fixed…

Is there anything anyone can see which might be causing this or that I can add to the stylesheet to get it working?

Here’s the link for the page…

Thank you very much, hope to hear from you!

SM :slight_smile:

You could add overflow: scroll to the div. E.g.

#client-slides .slide {overflow: scroll;}

Thank you so much Ralph, that is mega - you’ve made my day - you legend :slight_smile:

Cool, glad that helped. :slight_smile: