Need help with pagination and variable

Hi Folks,
I have found this nice pagination script that works fine except when I’m trying to use variables in the query.
The first step I try to get working is a variable for clientid. The meny passes this ($cid) to the content page and the record counting, and here it works fine. I get the corrects page numbers and I also get the first image showing, but when I click for page 2 it obviously looses this variable and I get an limit error.
I have tried to send the variable but it’s not working. $pages->client is what I tried. In the paginator.class.php I have added cid=$client in the page links but it gets no variable.
Here is the code in the content page:

$cid = (int)($_GET['cid']);

// Full Size View of Content with Pagination
$query = "SELECT COUNT(*), clientid FROM content WHERE sectorid=6 AND subsectorid=7 AND clientid=$cid";
$numbers = mysql_query($query); 
$num_rows = mysql_result($numbers, 0); 


	$pages = new paginator;
	$pages->items_total = $num_rows;
	$pages->mid_range = 7;
	$pages->client = $cid;

$result = @mysql_query( "SELECT photo_id, photo_filename, engtext FROM content WHERE clientid=$pages->client AND sectorid=6 AND subsectorid=7 ORDER BY photo_id DESC $pages->limit " );
	if (!$result) {
	exit('<p>Error performing query: ' . mysql_error() . '</p>');
	while ($images = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
	$image = $images['photo_filename'];
	$caption = $images['engtext'];
echo "<img src='../photos/$image' border='0' /><br /><span class='caption'>$caption</span>";

This is the paginator:

echo $pages->display_pages();

and this is the paginator.class.php:

class Paginator{
    var $items_per_page;
    var $items_total;
    var $current_page;
    var $num_pages;
    var $mid_range;
    var $low;
    var $high;
    var $limit;
    var $return;
    var $default_ipp = 1;
	var $client;

    function Paginator()
        $this->current_page = 1;
        $this->mid_range = 7;
        $this->items_per_page = (!empty($_GET['ipp'])) ? $_GET['ipp']:$this->default_ipp;

    function paginate()
        if($_GET['ipp'] == 'All')
            $this->num_pages = ceil($this->items_total/$this->default_ipp);
            $this->items_per_page = $this->default_ipp;
            if(!is_numeric($this->items_per_page) OR $this->items_per_page <= 0) $this->items_per_page = $this->default_ipp;
            $this->num_pages = ceil($this->items_total/$this->items_per_page);
        $this->current_page = (int) $_GET['page']; // must be numeric > 0
        if($this->current_page < 1 Or !is_numeric($this->current_page)) $this->current_page = 1;
        if($this->current_page > $this->num_pages) $this->current_page = $this->num_pages;
        $prev_page = $this->current_page-1;
        $next_page = $this->current_page+1;

        if($this->num_pages > 3)
            $this->return = ($this->current_page != 1 And $this->items_total >= 3) ? "<a class=\\"paginate\\" href=\\"$_SERVER[PHP_SELF]?cid=$client&page=$prev_page&ipp=$this->items_per_page\\"><img src='../../images/arrow_left.gif' border='0' /></a> ":"<span class=\\"inactive\\" href=\\"#\\"><img src='../../images/arrow_blank.gif' border='0' /></span> ";

            $this->start_range = $this->current_page - floor($this->mid_range/2);
            $this->end_range = $this->current_page + floor($this->mid_range/2);

            if($this->start_range <= 0)
                $this->end_range += abs($this->start_range)+1;
                $this->start_range = 1;
            if($this->end_range > $this->num_pages)
                $this->start_range -= $this->end_range-$this->num_pages;
                $this->end_range = $this->num_pages;
            $this->range = range($this->start_range,$this->end_range);

                if($this->range[0] > 2 And $i == $this->range[0]) $this->return .= " ... ";
                // loop through all pages. if first, last, or in range, display
                if($i==1 Or $i==$this->num_pages Or in_array($i,$this->range))
                    $this->return .= ($i == $this->current_page And $_GET['page'] != 'All') ? "<a title=\\"Go to page $i of $this->num_pages\\" class=\\"current\\" href=\\"#\\">$i</a> ":"<a class=\\"paginate\\" title=\\"Go to page $i of $this->num_pages\\" href=\\"$_SERVER[PHP_SELF]?cid=$client&page=$i&ipp=$this->items_per_page\\">$i</a> ";
                if($this->range[$this->mid_range-1] < $this->num_pages-1 And $i == $this->range[$this->mid_range-1]) $this->return .= " ... ";
            $this->return .= (($this->current_page != $this->num_pages And $this->items_total >= 2) And ($_GET['page'] != 'All')) ? "<a class=\\"paginate\\" href=\\"$_SERVER[PHP_SELF]?cid=$client&page=$next_page&ipp=$this->items_per_page\\"><img src='../../images/arrow_right.gif' border='0' /></a>\
":"<span class=\\"inactive\\" href=\\"#\\"><img src='../../images/arrow_blank.gif' border='0' /></span>\
                $this->return .= ($i == $this->current_page) ? "<a class=\\"current\\" href=\\"#\\">0$i</a> ":"<a class=\\"paginate\\" href=\\"$_SERVER[PHP_SELF]?cid=$client&page=0$i&ipp=$this->items_per_page\\">0$i</a> ";
        $this->low = ($this->current_page-1) * $this->items_per_page;
        $this->high = ($_GET['ipp'] == 'All') ? $this->items_total:($this->current_page * $this->items_per_page)-1;
        $this->limit = ($_GET['ipp'] == 'All') ? "":" LIMIT $this->low,$this->items_per_page";

    function display_items_per_page()
        $items = '';
        $ipp_array = array(10,25,50,100,'All');
        foreach($ipp_array as $ipp_opt)    $items .= ($ipp_opt == $this->items_per_page) ? "<option selected value=\\"$ipp_opt\\">$ipp_opt</option>\
":"<option value=\\"$ipp_opt\\">$ipp_opt</option>\
        return "<span class=\\"paginate\\">Items per page:</span><select class=\\"paginate\\" onchange=\\"window.location='$_SERVER[PHP_SELF]?cid=$client&page=1&ipp='+this[this.selectedIndex].value;return false\\">$items</select>\

    function display_jump_menu()
            $option .= ($i==$this->current_page) ? "<option value=\\"$i\\" selected>$i</option>\
":"<option value=\\"$i\\">$i</option>\
        return "<span class=\\"paginate\\">Page:</span><select class=\\"paginate\\" onchange=\\"window.location='$_SERVER[PHP_SELF]?cid=$client&page='+this[this.selectedIndex].value+'&ipp=$this->items_per_page';return false\\">$option</select>\

    function display_pages()
        return $this->return;

Appriciate any help. Thanks!

if it’s any help, a demo of the pagination class I use is in this thread (post 11).

the sql script to create the database table the demo uses is in post 4.

inside a class you need to call the properties (variables in an object) through the use of the $this keyword, so in your case:


    function display_jump_menu() 
            $option .= ($i==$this->current_page) ? "<option value=\\"$i\\" selected>$i</option>\
":"<option value=\\"$i\\">$i</option>\
        return "<span class=\\"paginate\\">Page:</span><select class=\\"paginate\\" onchange=\\"window.location='$_SERVER[PHP_SELF]?cid=$this->client&page='+this[this.selectedIndex].value+'&ipp=$this->items_per_page';return false\\">$option</select>\

Thanks a lot fristi, it works perfect:-)
Good to know about the $this keyword - I’v never used a class before.
Guess I can do the same with the other two WHERE clauses?

Thanks for your reply Kalon, I will take a further look at that also. I checked it yesterday but it was a new approach and I still hope to use the one I started with.

Everywhere inside a class you need to use $this->client, to access it outside the class you need to use the $pages->client form.

Generally it is considered bad practice to access an object variable directly like $pages->client and you should change the class to use it like $pages->get(‘client’) or overload the class. But that is all difficult mumbojumbo for someone who is just starting to use classes.

I would recommend reading the following:

A few years ago I started with that and it covers some good basics :slight_smile: