Need Help with wp-navi no longer working

Hi folks,
I’ve been given a site to look after/update that was built in WordPress. I’m okay at updating the site etc, but i’m no PHP expert. The site uses wp-navi plugin, and for some reason, if I click on page 2, 3 etc the url shows it’s went to that page but the posts it’s showing are the same as page one. In other words it’s not showing the older posts only the posts from the first page :injured:
I’ve checked the support for the plug-in, but they don’t seem too helpful, and I see that others have had similar problems, but i’m really unsure how to fix this. If anyone could help, I would be eternally grateful.

It’s hard to solve your issue via this forum. I recommend you disable ALL plug-ins and see if WP-navi works. If it works then you’re likely to have a plug-in conflict. Once you’ve done this slowly activate your plug-ins eventually isolating your plug-in which is causing the issues. Once you’ve found this replace it or disable it.

If this does not work find another pagination plug-in in WordPress which does the job. There are dozens available. In either respects a solution is possible. Unfortunately this is the common path to take with WordPress plug-ins.