Need to compare database value to form value

Is there a simple way to compare a current value in a form element to a database value?

I want to populate a popup based on what the user selected in the current, non-posted form. Here’s what I want to do:

<table width=“95%” border=“1” align=“center” bgcolor=“#EEEEEE”>
<td class=“RequiredField”>Select a Shipper:</td>
<td colspan=“3”><select name=“Shippers<%=(x)%>” id=“Shippers<%=(x)%>” onChange=“Shippers_Change(<%=(x)%>)”>

While (NOT Shippers.EOF)
If ( Shippers.Fields.Item(“ContentOwnerID”).Value = document.EntryForm.ContentOwnerID.value ) Then
<option value=“<%=(Shippers.Fields.Item(“ShipperId”).Value)%>”><%=(Shippers.Fields.Item(“ShipperNumber”).Value)%></option>
End If
If (Shippers.CursorType > 0) Then
End If

The comaprison I want to do is in bold…

No, there is a clear distinction between server side and client side.

ContentOwnerID needs to be sent to the server so that you can render the options appropriately.