Netbeans vs PHPStorm

Hi I am considering Netbeans vs PhpStorm for WordPress theme development. Anyone experienced with the two can give some guidance? I would also like to know if PhpStorm can be set up to auto-complete WordPress functions and also provide function reference. I remember that with Netbeans I could click on a WordPress function and it would give me the code where it is defined, and that was really useful. Thanks

Netbeans is a competant PHP IDE. Moreso than eclipse. PHPStorm is just Jetbrain’s IDE with PHP support. It isn’t anything special but it is more complete for PHP development.

You might want to take a look at PHPDesigner. Probably the better of the 3 for PHP stuff but it might not support theme development as much, although it has the ability to use framework libraries in projects for code completion in a very simple way.