New Content Mentor: Sega

Please join me in welcoming our new Mentor, Sega, to the Content Team. As a regular member, Sega has been helpful and active in several of our forums for several years. In searching for a new Mentor, I was shocked that he hadn’t already been snapped up by another SitePoint team!

As part of an initiative to get to know our Staff a little better, we conducted a mini-interview with Sega.

[indent]We asked Sega to tell us a bit about what he does outside the forums, what his hobbies and interests are, and any other shameful things we should know about and he answered:
I live a simple life as I prefer this to today’s hectic world. I have many brothers (4 to be exact), so I spend most of my time with them. When I don’t spend time with them I am focusing on web design and business development. I love computers, swimming and taking walks. I have a VERY big extended family, so I have a responsibility to keep in-touch with the family. My life mainly revolves around work, family and relaxing. I love keeping things simple and enjoying the little things that come with life.

We also asked him why he chose “Sega” for his username and he replied:
I was always into the old consoles as a kid. My first console was the Sega Master System, following by the Genesis or MegaDrive. So as a old school gamer I chose the username Sega. Basically I did not think twice at the time, as I had no idea I would stay in the forums. I never in my wildest dreams thought I’d be part of an online forum. Several years down the line and I’ve turned “orange”. [/indent]

Thanks for joining us Sega and welcome to the Content Team!

Congratulations, Sega. :slight_smile: Good to see you in orange.

Still finding my way around the ‘new’ Sitepoint. Thanks guys for the honer. I look forward to getting more established on this forum and learning new thing whilst being here. :slight_smile:

Great to have you back and congrats on the mentorship!


Congratulations! :beer:

Thanks guys! This is awesome.

Well done Sonic. :wink: Have fun in your new orange suit. :cool:

Welcome aboard the Content team, Sega! We are very pleased to have you.

Hehehe… glad to be on board @TheRaptor; buddy :wink:


That’s wonderful, Sega! Congrats! :tup:

Congratulations, Sega! I enjoyed the mini interview. Do you swim in a pool or in the ocean?

Congrats and Welcome :slight_smile:

Congratulation sega!