New Hosting team mentor

Immerse just got upgraded to mentor and now showing off his new shiny badge all over the forums. Please all help me congratulate Immerse on his promotion!

Well done, and welcome to the staff Immerse :tup:

Yes congratulations and welcome :slight_smile:

Welcome aboard mate!

Yes, Alex well done. You’ll have to get out the shimmy and keep polishing your Mentor badge. I’ve also heard as you are the ‘new guy’ in Hosting as tradition you’ll have to also polish Remon’s badge for a whole week and buy him plenty of beer or something. :slight_smile:

may the orange be with you! Welcome aboard!

Welcome aboard Immerse :slight_smile:

Welcome aboard :slight_smile:

Congrats! Way to go! Welcome :slight_smile:

m0aR Dutch, yes…

The staff chooses you because you’ve been an active participant and helpful and polite :slight_smile:

Shine Rémon’s badge. A lot :slight_smile:

You forgot to bring him coffee too :smiley:

Surely beer counts double?

I’d say yes :smiley:

Most certainly! Keep 'm coming :slight_smile: