New Hosting Team Mentors

Please join the Hosting Team and the rest of the SitePoint staff in welcoming our two newest Mentors: TimIgoe and EastCoast. Both have a record of excellent posts across the SitePoint forums and, while concentrating in the Host Your Site boards (Web Hosting, Review A Host, Server Configuration, Apache Configuration and Domains), I’m sure you’ll see them continuing to assist other members elsewhere, too.

Please give both these gentlemen a warm SitePoint Welcome!



Welcome to you both! Superb additions to the team is what you guys are! :weee:

Thanks :slight_smile:

Congrats chaps :tup:

Well done Caps you should nicely bolster the Hosting Team!

:beer:Congratulations to both of you!

Welcome to the team.

Congrats guys! You sure look good in orange! :smiley:


Glad to see both of you aboard :slight_smile:

Congratulations and welcome! :spf:

Great to have you on board guys.

Welcome to the team.

Welcome to both TimIgoe and EastCoast !!

You’ve earned those badges :tup: