New & Need Help!

Hey Everyone! Love this forum. I’m hoping you all can help me out. I am currently using Miva Merchant. It’s A LOT of manual work when you need to put an item on sale, update product information and so on.

I was looking at Volusion- however the reviews now have me scared. We signed up for a monthly plan- this way we could test things. I still have a gut feeling this isn’t the right cart for us.

I tried looking into other shopping carts and was quickly over whelmed. I thought the best thing to do would ask you all for help!

The main thing I need the shopping cart to do is allow customers to have an auto-ship order (recurring order). Where the customer picks products they want, then selects the weekly intervals they would like and we do the rest. (Well the system does)

Any suggestions would be really helpful. or any positive feedback on Volusion?

The website I’m managing is
