Notice: Undefined index: func in C:\\xampp\\htdocs\\5\\three-tier\\func.php on line 21

Can you please help me with this error
Notice: Undefined index: func in C:\xampp\htdocs\5\ hree-tier\func.php on line 21

Notice: Undefined index: func in C:\xampp\htdocs\5\ hree-tier\func.php on line 61

i am getting this when i run this code

//     Page load dropdown results     //
function getTierOne()
	$result = mysql_query("SELECT DISTINCT tier_one FROM three_drops") 
	or die(mysql_error());

	  while($tier = mysql_fetch_array( $result )) 
		   echo '<option value="'.$tier['tier_one'].'">'.$tier['tier_one'].'</option>';


//     First selection results     //
if($_GET['func'] == "drop_1" && isset($_GET['func'])) { 

function drop_1($drop_var)
	$result = mysql_query("SELECT DISTINCT tier_two FROM three_drops WHERE tier_one='$drop_var'") 
	or die(mysql_error());
	echo '<select name="drop_2" id="drop_2">
	      <option value=" " disabled="disabled" selected="selected">Choose one</option>';

		   while($drop_2 = mysql_fetch_array( $result )) 
			  echo '<option value="'.$drop_2['tier_two'].'">'.$drop_2['tier_two'].'</option>';
	echo '</select>';
	echo "<script type=\\"text/javascript\\">
      $.get(\\"func.php\\", {
		func: \\"drop_2\\",
		drop_var: $('#drop_2').val()
      }, function(response){
        setTimeout(\\"finishAjax_tier_three('result_2', '\\"+escape(response)+\\"')\\", 400);
    	return false;

//     Second selection results     //
if($_GET['func'] == "drop_2" && isset($_GET['func'])) { 

function drop_2($drop_var)
	$result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM three_drops WHERE tier_two='$drop_var'") 
	or die(mysql_error());
	echo '<select name="drop_3" id="drop_3">
	      <option value=" " disabled="disabled" selected="selected">Choose one</option>';

		   while($drop_3 = mysql_fetch_array( $result )) 
			  echo '<option value="'.$drop_3['tier_three'].'">'.$drop_3['tier_three'].'</option>';
	echo '</select> ';
    echo '<input type="submit" name="submit" value="Submit" />';

Before you try to test the $_GET associative array data, check that it even exists first.

if(isset($_GET['func']) && $_GET['func'] == "drop_1") {

You’re doing the same thing around line 61 as well, hence why you’re getting two of the same error at different locations.

Thanks a lot its working now.

what you did to solve the issue…?

If you read post #2 you will see he was asked to add isset() check before using the $_GET value he expected to be there. This way if the value didn’t exist, the notice goes away because he won’t try and use it.