
please i built a website in xhtml, and joined an affiliate program, that i downloaded the product feed in xml,
i dont know what to do with
but asking
1 can i use xml file on my xhtml site
2 i have started reading on php, then will move on to mysql, am i going thru the right route so as for me to know ow to use the xml file
thank you

What exactly are you trying to do with this XML file? Are you trying to read data from it to insert into your HTML?

i am trying to use the data (i.e product feed) to display the products on the website

You’ll either have to parse it with javascript or a server-side language (ie, PHP). HTML alone will not parse XML files.

Though I expect you need more, (i.e. to extract what you need from the XML), AFAIK you can embed it into XHTML pages and use CSS where the selectors are the tags eg.

nodename { font-size: 2em; }

<nodename>From XML file</nodename>