OK I need help. Configuring VNC to connect outside home network?

OK I need help. Configuring VNC to connect outside home network???
Logmein took a dump so I moved to Remotix VNC. It’s not quite perfect but it is by far the fastest. And that’s what gets me about the others. However it does not install any software on your mac. Viewing from home this is fine. But outside it does not work unless I configure a few things. Basically I need to forward the port and configure my firewall. I give up. I can’t find a quality tutorial on the subject that talks in plan English. Most is rubbish to me. No idea why Remotix does not offer a plane jane how to on the subject but they don’t. The best they offer is here (#9) http://nulana.com/remotix/help-ios-rdp/en#9. Can someone please humor me and give me a easy step by step how to do this? I’m lost.

How about teamviewer? I use it on macs / pcs with no configuration or routing issues even in some quite convoluted network scenarios