On Our Radar: Closures, Copyright and the Best Apps of 2014

Originally published at: http://www.sitepoint.com/radar-closures-photo-rights-best-apps/
Hello and welcome to On Our Radar This Week, where we keep you up to date with the most interesting conversations that are taking place on the SitePoint forums.

It’s been a busy week, and we’ve had plenty of great threads covering demystifying closures, details on using photos from other sites, a renewed discussion about whether dependency injection breaks encapsulation, and your best apps of 2014.

Demystifying closures

In JavaScript, closure is a very handy technique that allows a function to retain a reference to variables from its parent scope. It can be confusing though as to how this is achieved, and how to make the best use of it.

The discussion on demystifying JavaScript Closures, Callbacks, and IIFE’s had a lot of valuable comments, and demonstrated that the manner in which we talk about closures can be confusing.

Click through to join the discussion.

Using photos from other sites

Web development can be an image-heavy process, so the discussion around using photos from other sites has really taken off and helped people to understand issues around copyright.

There are lots of stock photo sites that allow you to buy the rights to use certain images, and a Google Image Search even has a usage-rights selection so that you can search for images that you’re allowed to use.

One of the fundamental ideas that came up in the thread is that you’re free to use photos that you’ve taken yourself, but when it comes to photos that other people have taken, you need to discover the license that’s on the photo. Once you’ve done that and the license allows you to use it, or you’ve paid for the right to use the photo, it’s all on from there.

Click through to join the discussion.

Click here to check out the discussion and join in yourself.

Dependency injection breaks encapsulation

A long-running and at times controversial discussion on dependency injection has renewed, with the aim of having a civilized discussion about whether dependency injection breaks encapsulation, and if there are times that dependency injection (DI) may not be useful.
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