On Our Radar: Pair programming, the cloud, a UI for your nose

Originally published at: http://www.sitepoint.com/radar-pair-programming-cloud-php7-javascript/
Welcome back to On Our Radar! This week we learned there’s no place like

On Our Radar

It was a week of revisiting older threads and asking lots of questions. Mawburn got the Pair Programming conversation started, and we’d love to know what your experience with Pair Programming has been. Does it feel like someone’s looking over your shoulder? is it useful for on boarding or when someone leaves? Does it create ultimately better, less buggy code? Does it help to have someone watch you code, or does it irritate you? We learn a lot by seeing how others tackle problems, has this been the case for you?

Ohnoo recently joined our forums and, as a beginner in CSS, has some basic questions. Do you remember when you were first starting with CSS? Theory is the easiest thing in the world, but putting it all into practice can sometimes be overwhelming, especially when you’re starting out. Take a look at basic CSS layouts, refresh or test your basic CSS knowledge, and help a fellow web dev out.

Louis asks some hard questions for our Forum: are we in a scripting dependency backlash? Is overusing JavaScript-driven UIs and MV frameworks ultimately good or bad for the JavaScript community?

It wasn’t just JavaScript that was making waves in the Forum this week. Scott were pretty curious about PHP7, too, and wondered if PHP is making a strong comeback with PHP7.

In Short

Ralph is fairly curious about the cloud. From SaaS, IaaS, PaaS and DaaS, what is this thing even? Surely not a marketing gimmick?

Alex makes us think about the future of UI, and discusses using one’s nose. Yup. Nose UI.

This week in JavaScript has a fine rundown of ES6, Angular and Ember, as well some very good coding via CodePen.

Meanwhile in .Net we look at Azure, ECMA6, Visual Studio, and a fairly interesting chess game series.

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