Online resources for Ektron technologies...xslt/C#, .net platform in general

Hi. I’m in charge of an ektron website. It of course uses xslt and C# on a .Net platform. I seem to NEVER NEVER NEVER NEVER be able to find free, useful online tutuorials to get me started with this kind of development. Indeed, I saw a related post in this forum about getting started in .NEt and sure enough, not one online resource (tutorials, examples) are provided. Do any such things exist? Tell me, in order to be a decent .net developer, are you required to either spend thousands of dollars to get some official microsoft training in the subject, or consume 300+page books after your day job, thus neglecting your wife and child until after midnight, when you might dare to put the tomb down? I would LOVE for some online tutorials. Please help. Thanks.