Open new window to my script. I'm stumped

I’m trying to get this code to work, it’s suppose to open the url clicked in a new window. This code works great for the “changepage” script, but can get it “openNewWindow” script to work.

You can see the script in action here at the very top of the page:

Here is the code I have:

						<div align="center"><a href="javascript:changepage()" "javascript:openNewWindow();"><img src="" alt="Banner Advertisement" border="0" hspace="0" name="bannerad" WIDTH="468" HEIGHT="60"></a>
<script language="JavaScript"><!--
function changeimage(){
if (browsertype == "new") {
banneradcode = banneradcode + 1
if (banneradcode == "4") {
banneradcode = 0
imagesource = "" + banneradcode + ".gif"
window.document.bannerad.src = imagesource
thetimer = setTimeout("changeimage()", 5000);
else if (browsertype == "old") {
function loadpage() {
browver= parseInt(navigator.appVersion);
browtype = navigator.appName;
browsertype = "old";
if (browtype == "Netscape" && !(browver < 3)) {
browsertype = "new"; 
if (browtype == "Microsoft Internet Explorer" && !(browver < 4)) {
browsertype = "new";
if (browsertype == "new") {
thetimer = setTimeout("changeimage()", 3000);
banneradcode = 0;
listofimages = new Array(4);
listofimages[0] = new Image(468,60)
listofimages[0].src = ""
listofimages[1] = new Image(468,60)
listofimages[1].src = ""
listofimages[2] = new Image(468,60)
listofimages[2].src = ""
listofimages[3] = new Image(468,60)
listofimages[3].src = ""
function changepage() {
if (browsertype == "new") {
if (banneradcode == 0) {
newlocation = ""
else if (banneradcode == 1) {
newlocation = ""
else if (banneradcode == 2) {
newlocation = ""
else if (banneradcode == 3) {
newlocation = ""
location = newlocation
else if (browsertype == "old") {
location = ""
// --></script>

<script language="JavaScript">
 function openNewWindow() {
 popupWin ='banneradcode'),
 'menubar, toolbar, location, directories, status, scrollbars, resizable, dependent)

Any Ideas?

Does this open a new page?

<a href=[b]"javascript:openNewWindow();"[/b]><img src="" alt="Banner Advertisement" border="0" hspace="0" name="bannerad" WIDTH="468" HEIGHT="60"></a>

(in other words, does it work when it is by itself?)

Off Topic:

As a side note, I would not be able to navigate your web page. It would be completely broken and confusing for me.

Oh, and, welcome to SitePoint forums!