Open-Source Forum/BBS Recommendations?

Hey guys,

Do you have any good recommendations for open-source, free forum / bulletin board system scripts written in PHP and using MySQL?

I know vBulletin is perhaps one of the most commonly used systems, but are there any open-source projects that are anywhere close to as good?

I’d like to build my own BBS and wanted to look at examples :slight_smile:

Check out myBB and phpBB.

I would definitely say myBB is a great alternative, especially for free.

Here’s one rating list

These links are great. Thank you Zurev and Doug! MyBB looks awesome, this is just what I was looking for :slight_smile:

I wrote my own forum software a few years back and was distributing it for a while until I discovered MyBB. When I found it initially, I security audited their code and found the behind-the-scenes code to consist of extremely solid programming in a very similar style to how I develop software. Since then, I’ve authored about 10 plugins for MyBB and I’ve opted to point everyone at MyBB instead of my own product.